you must restrict the amount of fluids that you are taking 意味

  • 取る水分の量を制限しなければいけません


        if you must:     if you múst 君がどうしてもと言い張るのなら(仕方がない).
        as you must have heard:    お聞き及びのとおり
        if you must know:     if you múst knòw ()((略式))(そんなに)知りたいのなら教えてあげるが(cf.?if 1a).
        must beg of you:    どうしても[失礼{しつれい}は承知{しょうち}の上で]お願いしたい、切実{せつじつ}なお願いです I must beg of you. どうかここは一つ。/このとおり。◆日本語で頭を下げながら言う「このとおりお願いします」
        like taking lunch for you:    《be ~》朝飯前{あさめし まえ}だ
        taking you at your word:    お言葉に甘えて
        i must love you and leave you:     I mùst lóve you and léave you. ((略式))もうおいとましなくては.
        finally i must thank you for:    末筆{まっぴつ}ながら~に対しお礼を申し上げます
        amount you can buy:    購入可能数 The amount you can buy is limited. 販売個数{はんばい こすう}に限定{げんてい}があります。
        and you!:    おまえ(たち)もだ!
        and you?:    あなた(たち)も?
        are you there:     Are you thére? ((電話))もしもし(聞えますか) Are you ~, Thomas? もしもしトマスかい.
        as you will:     as you wíll 好きなように,希望通りに.
        if you will:    可能{かのう}ならば、いうなれば
        that's for you:     Thát's ... for yóu. …とは[なんて]そんなものだ.


  1. "you must put the past out of your mind" 意味
  2. "you must read this up before your exam" 意味
  3. "you must realize how central to our peace of mind this matter is" 意味
  4. "you must rein in your criticism and allow them some self-respect" 意味
  5. "you must resign yourself to the fact that the work won't be completed overnight" 意味
  6. "you must rinse these clothes thoroughly" 意味
  7. "you must round your lips to pronounce the umlaut" 意味
  8. "you must salute superior officers" 意味
  9. "you must satisfy us of this fact by documentary proof" 意味
  10. "you must rein in your criticism and allow them some self-respect" 意味
  11. "you must resign yourself to the fact that the work won't be completed overnight" 意味
  12. "you must rinse these clothes thoroughly" 意味
  13. "you must round your lips to pronounce the umlaut" 意味

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